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Finance Industry

Bulk SMS for Finance

Text messaging in the financial sector can help your company gain a competitive benefits in request. Besides the egregious use of textbook messaging for mobile banking, SMS can also be used to notify guests of financial deals and bank account status, deals alert. This simple communication tool will allow you to make fast information exchanges and SMS authentication makes online banking safer and secure. Let’s see how you can use the SMS services to boost your fiscal business.

Benefits of Bulk SMS for Financial Service Providers

Text Notifications and alerts

The textbook alert on any fiscal sale, be it regular deduction of your investiture, collective finances, policy investiture, or development.

Announcement of New Rules and Policies

What could be a better way to communicate a change in the sale procedures or commodity as stupendous as 24/7 net banking.

Introducing New Products And Services

With internet and technology having taken the centre stage in our lives, druggies are more hooked onto their mobile phones than TV and internet advertisements.

Support Services

Guests prefer to interact quick and easy with the support services directors over SMS. Simply because it eliminates the long hours of staying.

Proactive feedback and support

With the super high open rates on SMS as compared to Emails, customers love the quick fix offered to them through SMS. 

Remainders and Alerts make life easy!

When you’re caught up the rat race of multitudinous commitments, utmost of us forget to pay our yearly loan inaugurations or policy decorations.

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